
The ASVC President chairs this committee, and its members include the President, 副总统, Director of External Affairs, Director of 政府, 财务总监, Director of Equity and Inclusion, Director of Clubs and Organizations, and the Director of East Campus. This committee is charged with the administrative oversight of the ASVC.

Finance and Budget Committee

The 财务总监 chairs this committee, which consists of 5 students appointed by the President. Meetings are held when deemed necessary to revise and update the budget on an annual basis, review and recommend action on all proposed ASVC expenditures in accordance with the budget, assist the 财务总监 in the preparation of the tentative budget for the following year, and make recommendations on other financial matters of the ASVC as assigned by the President.

事件 and Activities Committee

This committee includes five students appointed by the President and is chaired by the Event Coordinator. 的事件 & Activities Committee’s primary focus is organizing and coordinating ASVC-related events. 的事件 and Activities committee meets weekly to discuss details on events, such as: coordinating event logistics, collaborating with the ASVC board and event partners, and keeping records of event planning documents and past events.

Public Relations Committee

This committee consists of five students appointed by the President and is chaired by the Public Relations Officer. This committee holds weekly meetings on how to get students to become more involved and aware of 活动 和事件 on campus.

Constitution and Bylaws Committee

This committee meets when deemed necessary to discuss, revise and edit the governing documents of the ASVC.


The Director of Student Organizations chairs this committee and its membership consists of one ICC Representative per student organization. Meetings are held twice a month to develop and implement plans for keeping clubs active and seeking and promoting club participation in the ASVC government, 活动, 和事件. This committee also assists the various clubs in preparing necessary documentation.


This committee is chaired by the ASVC President and is reinstated as an ad hoc Elections committee to provide impartial administration of all elections of the ASVC in accordance with the VCCCD Student Election Standard Operating Practices during the VCCCD student elections season. 

Interested in joining an ASVC Committee? Please contact ASVC President at ASVCpresident@vcccd.edu.